God Inhabits Our Praise!

The day of religious “tradition” is over. The Spirit of God is beginning to move and inhibition has to flee. The Bible says "And they ...shall be like a mighty man, and their hearts shall rejoice as through wine." (Zechariah 10:7). It's like what happened to the disciples on the Day of Pentecost. They had been hiding out for a few days before, but when they were baptized in the Holy Spirit, suddenly they were out in the streets acting so wild everyone thought they had been drinking!
It's no wonder the devil has tried so hard to get God's people to sit still. It's no wonder the devil has had us bound up with traditions that have taught us to sit still, act “dignified” and be silent! But the Bible says that joy and praise together release strength on the inside and power on the outside! Psalm 22:3 says God inhabits our praise. When God's presence begins to come into our midst, our enemies fall back. They can't stand the presence of God.
Read, study and meditate on Psalm 68:1-3. When God's people rise up in praise and worship and celebrate the victories of God, His enemies are scattered. God wants us to be free! He wants us to leap, laugh, praise, and sing. He wants us dancing in the streets. So, get out of your seats and into the streets— that's where His precious fruit is. He wants us free to rejoice. He wants other people to want what we have. They may not understand it, but they will want it. Say "I sing praises to the name of the Lord. When my enemies are turned back, they fall and perish at the Lord’s presence." Now, that's powerful!
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