God Will Not Leave You Helpless

"[I will] not in any degree leave you helpless, nor forsake nor let [you] down...!" (Hebrews 13:5 AMP). Has God called you to do something that you think in the natural is impossible? Has the devil been bombarding you with thoughts of doubt, fear and discouragement? Make a quality decision today and don't let the enemy lead you down that road. Don't let him keep you from meditating on God's ability and faithfulness to get the job done. Resist the devil's temptation to meditate on your problems, or on your inabilities, and begin to meditate on God's promises, His faithfulness. STOP struggling and start resting.
Relax, God already knows that what He has called you to do is impossible (in the natural). God knows that you are having a problem with that truth. And God is waiting on you while you begin to draw on His Word, and His promises to develop the courage you need for the task. You don't have to panic! Just keep reminding yourself that as long as you have your Bible and your faith, you can do anything God tells you to do. Put thoughts of your own weaknesses behind you and begin to focus on the awesome ability of God. Start saying to yourself, "Hallelujah, God is always with me! He will not, He will not, HE WILL NOT, in any degree leave me helpless, nor forsake me, nor let me down." Now, it's time for you to ACT, open your Bible, and choose to believe what it says about YOU. Treat it as God's blood-sworn oath to YOU (because that is what it is). Keep it in front of your eyes, keep it in your ears, keep it on your lips. Make a quality decision today to stick with it until the might of God Himself rises up within you and overwhelms any fear the devil has tried to put on you. Run the devil off! Once you make that quality decision, there is no turning back, it's on into the promised land!
Remember what God promised and did for Abraham and Sarah, and you are the seed of Abraham. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. God's promises are for YOU! Confess "The Lord does not in any degree leave me helpless, nor forsake me, nor let me down. I am choosing to believe His Word about me, and I have made that quality decision!"
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