Hearing from Heaven is a Lifestyle

Hearing from heaven... we must make it our lifestyle. If we want to be sure that the wisdom of God will be there for us when the crisis hits, we must start listening for His guidance NOW. We must learn to seek His wisdom and to listen for His instructions on everyday matters of life. That way, when big problems come, we will be prepared, because we'll be in the habit of hearing from heaven.
Hearing from heaven is the most important thing in our whole life! We will never come up with a problem too big for God to solve. But we must remember this one very important thing: we can't turn the wisdom of God off and on like a water faucet. There is nothing on this earth more valuable to us than the His wisdom. It's the key that opens every good door to success, prosperity, health, a long life, peace, and security. All of these are available to those who learn from and live by the wisdom of God. Don't be deceived: many believers don't seek God's wisdom until their backs are against the wall. They wait until calamity strikes and then, in deep desperation, they listen hard for God's voice... and all too often, are unable to hear His voice. "The backsliding of the simple shall slay them, and the careless ease of [self-confident] fools shall destroy them. But whoso hearkens to Me [Wisdom] shall dwell securely and in confident trust, and shall be quiet without fear or dread of evil." (Proverbs 1:32-33 AMPC).
Read, study and meditate on Proverbs 1:23-33, AMPC, and see what the voice of Wisdom says. We must never get caught in that situation; we must never let ourselves get to the point where we are unable to hear from heaven. Confess "I harken to wisdom, and I dwell securely and in confident trust I am quiet, without fear or dread of evil." There is nothing-- absolutely nothing-- on earth that's as valuable to us as the Wisdom of God, hearing from heaven!
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