Hope is Our Blueprint

"Faith is the substance of things hoped for." (Hebrews 11:1). STOP being desperate! Why? Because being desperate causes us to lose our hope, and hope is our blueprint. By losing our hope, our faith fails to function. When our hope is lost and desperation moves in, faith loses its aim. It no longer has a mission to accomplish, so it just scatters. It scatters in every direction... without any results.
Let hope come alive inside you today and start EXPECTING instead of being in desperation. Desperation is fear in action. Hope is our blueprint; let it come alive inside of you and start eagerly anticipating what God is about to do, instead of becoming desperate and fearing what “could” happen. Let the Spirit of God rekindle and rebuild the hope inside you. Hope is what will take us from desperation to faith. Hope is a divine inner image that is born inside our spirit from God's precious promises. Faith is the heavenly substance that will bring the Word-born picture to pass. Without hope faith has nowhere to go.
Are you facing a serious situation where your faith and confessions are scattering in every direction? Have you lost your aim? STOP! Get your Bible and get alone with God and let that hope come alive inside of you again. Let the Spirit of God rise up on the inside of you and re-light that fire! STOP the desperation! And get your faith on target again. Confess "Faith is the substance of things that I hope for and expect."
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