The Genesis Mandate

Every seed of Abraham's faith is ordained to be a world changer, which started with the Blessing in Genesis, chapter one, "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." (Genesis 1:28) When God blessed Adam and Eve they were given the divine mandate to fill the earth with God’s goodness. It was God's purpose for man. We call it the “Genesis Mandate,” which came not only with the responsibility but also with the resources for Adam (mankind) to carry it out. This Blessing endued them with THE SAME GOD-LIKE POWER THAT CREATED THE UNIVERSE. The moment Adam and his wife received that Anointing, all of creation was under their command (Genesis chapter 2). Now they had just as much ability to fill and resupply the earth as God had when He created it. God commissioned them to spread the Kingdom of God to the four corners of this planet and create the conditions of the Garden of Eden everywhere they went. Through Adam, mankind was given this global assignment to “replenish” the earth, and subdue it, bringing everything in line with Heaven’s blueprint. Then Adam lost his destiny, stolen by an outlaw thief but God put a plan in place to get it back through Jesus. He started with Abraham. “And the Lord God said to Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up thine eyes, and look from the place where thou are northward, and southward, and eastward and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever” (Genesis 13:14-15).
This was a prophetic picture of restoring the earth back into the hands of its rightful owners, as well as restoring the power or Blessing to govern it. Because of Adam’s sin, the earth was not in the hands of God’s family. The unlawful owner was revealed offering it to Jesus in Luke chapter four, thinking his deception was complete. Then, we see Jesus working the redemptive plan to get it all back…what we refer to as a SUPERNATURAL transfer of wealth and authority. As we get closer to our Lord’s return, there continues to be an invasion of the Kingdom of Heaven into this world. The imposing of God’s will on the plans of the devil and the world's system of operation. Earthly systems, laws, rules, policies, and values are now coming inline with Heaven’s order and Heaven’s Government, the Government of the Kingdom of God. “. . . His kingdom rules over all” (Psalm 103:19, ESV). Jesus came as a sample Son to mankind as their destined role model and He demonstrated God's Blessing in full manifestation for the world to witness (the sinless Son of God). Then he did the one thing you couldn't do, He removed the one thing stopping you from walking in the same Supernatural ability; He removed sin on Calvary's Cross as the only pure offering and sacrifice; He alone, so you could return to your destiny. We are now able to reunite with God and receive His Spirit through Jesus Christ and complete His plan, ending with the Revelation setting in place the ruling King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ: all Man and all God.
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