Giving God Your Best

"Be ye holy; for I am holy." (1 Peter 1:16). When it comes to being holy, and laying aside sin, can we truthfully say, "we have done all we know to do?" Or have we done just what we wanted to do? Are we truthfully doing the best that we can? We may have put away what we considered to be major sins and even many minor sins, but there are worldly hinderances we've chosen to hold on to because our flesh enjoys them.
The truth is, when God tells us to make a change, we must obey. We have entered into the last of the last days. And we must become obedient. We must become holy. We can no longer feed on the garbage of the world and at the same time be separated to God, fit for any good work (2 Timothy 2:21). This most likely will make our flesh very uncomfortable, but we are told to crucify our flesh (Romans 8:13). We are to cleanse ourselves and consecrate ourselves to God (2 Corinthians 6:14, 7:1). God has already cleansed us from the inside. Now, it's our responsibility to let our born-again spirit have dominion over our body. Then and only then can we truthfully say, "I am doing the best that I can." And God will be pleased. We can say, "I am holy, for God is holy."
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