Take the Highway

Take the high way and leave the world ‘s low ways behind. “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord, For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9). If we truly want to accurately understand the leading of God, then we need to get acquainted with His high ways and leave the world’s low ways behind. How? Focus your attention on Him
and on His Word. The Bible tells us that Jesus got up long before daylight to pray. Jesus made spending time with God the first priority in His life. That’s how He knew what God wanted Him to do. That’s how He perfectly pleased Him. He spent time with Him.
How do we get to know someone? We spend time with them. Jesus’ disciples knew by watching His lifestyle that His power was connected to the time He spent praying. That’s why they asked Him, “Lord teach us to pray,“ (Luke 11:1). The instructions that Jesus received from God in prayer weren’t always easy. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus actually sweated blood, and said, ”O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.” (Matthew 26:39).
Are we currently in a type of Garden of Gethsemane today? Is God telling us to do something our flesh is not wanting to do? Has He been telling us for weeks or months, it’s time to get up early each morning and spend time in prayer or in His Word? If so, He is only wanting us to get acquainted with Him and have a relationship with Him.
Has God been speaking to us about making some major adjustments in our life? He may be saying, "This is what you can do about this situation. Here’s what we need to change." No matter how insignificant God’s instructions may seem to you right now, you need to take them seriously. We need to obey His instruction. What may seem of little significance now may cause us to avoid serious consequences later.
God’s directions are always in our best interest. If we will begin to spend time with Him, we will learn His ways... His higher ways, and lose interest in and forget the world’s low ways. We will learn to take the High Way!
Confess: “As I spend time in the presence of God, His thoughts become my thoughts and His ways become my ways.” Let’s choose today to take the High Way and leave the world’s low ways behind. We will be eternally glad we made this choice!
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