The Joy of The Lord is Our Strength

"The joy of the Lord is your strength." (Nehemiah 8:10). Jesus is building us up. He is strengthening us out of the rich treasury of His Glory. He is arming us with the spiritual might we need to march out of every bondage and crush the devil under our feet.
The word "glory" in the Old Testament means to be "heavy-laden with everything that is good;" it relates to the presence of God's Spirit. However, the word for "grief" is the exact opposite. It means to be "heavy-laden with everything that is bad." Grief is the satanic counterfeit of glory. So when the glory of God comes upon you, grief doesn't stand a chance, it must flee. When it does, the joy of the Lord that is in you just starts bubbling out. There is nothing to hold it back. The Lord has a great purpose for this. He wants you to be filled to overflowing with His joy. Joy is a force that will make us strong to carry out His plan in this final hour. Joy will give us the spiritual, mental and physical fortitude to rise up in the fullness of God's glory: fully healed, fully delivered, fully prosperous... so we can reap the final harvest and be gathered to Him in great triumph. We will not slip out of this earth in defeat and disgrace. God will make us victorious. God will make YOU victorious.
Is there a low-level devil harassing you with an aggravating problem? That low-level devil does not have the final say. Laugh at the devil in the name of Jesus. Laugh at the idea that he thinks he could have victory over Jesus and His Body... over you as a member of His Body. Rise up, and take your authority over the spirit of grief; it is a spirit of bondage and the low-level devil is trying to keep you in bondage with it. The victory is yours, but the battle belongs to the Lord, and He always wins. "The joy of the Lord is our strength." Everything can be changed by the power of Jesus' name. Everywhere there is power in the name of Jesus. God can "save to the uttermost." (Hebrews 7:25). There is nothing that our God cannot do. He will do anything if you will only dare to believe. Everything can be changed by the power of Jesus. There is power, power, power in His Name. Confess "Christ Jesus, the Anointed One and His Anointing." Call out His Name! Jesus!
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