The Power of God Surrounds You

"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; (the devil) and nothing, shall by any means hurt you." (Luke 10:19). Don't buy the devil's lie! Believe the fullness of God's Word. Everything depends on our believing God. We cannot rest upon our feelings, we cannot do anything without a living faith. God Himself comes to us in the person of His beloved Son and strengthens us, so that now we realize our earthly bodies are filled with and surrounded by His Power, and ALL things are possible for us in God. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1). God in the human soul (our mind, our will & our emotions) is mightier than you-- a trillion times. There is nothing we can come short of if the Holy Spirit is the prime mover in our thoughts and lives. His plan is greater than ours. His plan is more than we can ask or think. Just because you can not physically see the power that surrounds you doesn't mean it's not there, it's not tangible. Don't buy the devil's lies, he has no power, all he has is a "presentation" and he tries to sell it to you. He can only present his lies to you, but he cannot make you buy them, the choice is yours. Don't take the bait. Get in the Word and find out the real truth. Learn to immediately turn away from the devil, and ask yourself, "What does the Word say that guarantees me the very thing the devil just tried to make me doubt?" The devil will lie, cheat, deceive, and trick you into believing his lies, the devil wants you in his trap, called "bondage." God Almighty wants you free, and the truth of His Word will set you free. Once you know the truth and your authority in Christ Jesus, you won't spend your days crying about how hard things are. You'll spend your days telling the mountains in your life to be cast into the sea. You'll know that you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. You'll kick the devil out of your affairs with the words of your mouth. You'll remember that your earthly body is filled with and surrounded by the power of God, and ALL things are possible with God. And as you stand in triumph with your needs met, your body healed, and your heart rejoicing, you can laugh in the devil's face and watch that snake slink away in defeat. Say "Jesus has given me power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. And nothing by any means hurts me." I will not buy the devil's lie!
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